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Brian's testimony: When I was 9, almost 10 my mom was dating this guy, and he ended up moving in (my mom and dad have been divorced since I was 5), around May of 1990, my moms boyfriend, sexually molested me, about 4 times. Needless to say, this screwed me up, and I became dirty and I had a really mean temper. While I was in 5th grade, untill about 7th, I was constantly beating on my brother, I never gave him a black eye or anything too serious probably because I was to young to do any real damage, but, Iam now very sorry and ashamed of what I did. I got saved when I was 12, but I didnt really follow God, while I was in 9th grade, I was in P.E. in the locker room, and that day my clothes and stuff were stolen, so I couldnt "change out" and my coach gave me a book report, or tried to anyways, so I told him what happened and I couldnt change out, but he insisted, so I told him "F!@# you" and he grabbed me by my shirt and then I punched him in front of like 150 kids...if the coach pressed charges I would go to jail being tried as an adult, I would have been expelled from all junior highs, and alot of other bad things, Praise God he didnt press charges, because I would not be here now if he did. Around 11th grade my mom started going to this church and, she got saved and she had this zeal about her, so I went and then I got saved again (not that I wasnt unsaved or never saved, I just wanted to make sure) and then my whole life started changing, and to make a long story short, he freed me from the life I had... to living for God! God really was there all along, I just never knew it. Michael's testimony: I was lucky enough to have been raised in a Christian environment my entire life. My mother is a devout church-goer, while my father is usually the stay-at-home-and-lead-by-example Christian (both of which are fine in my eyes). When I was around 10 years old, my parents told me about Jesus and what salvation was. I thought it was a good deal, so I did as I was told. About 2 years later, however, I felt that I had not done so with a serious mindset, so I asked for salvation again, meaning it with all my heart. Since then, I have backslidden a few times, but I'm glad to have God's forgiveness and have rededicated my life to Him. Now, towards the end of my teen years, I feel that I should be doing something to forward my faith and the faith of others. I'm glad to have found such great Christian friends who have given me the opportunity to serve God through the making of this website, among other things! God bless! Chuck's testimony: When I was 11 I was forced to go to church everyday so I basically knew all about this loving God you hear about. But that was the problem, I only heard. I didn't believe in Him. So I started doing drugs and alcohol, and eventually I became addicted to it. One day when I was stoned out of my mind my friend brought me to church. Being a couple of weeks before Easter, I said what the heck, I might as well go. So, I went, and the pastor was talking about addiction. I listened to his sermon for the first time, and it really hit me. Then I went home and started to think about the stupid stuff I was doing, and the next time I went (Easter of '97), I gave my life to the Lord. Then recently the Lord did something wonderful in my life He healed my knee from 4 months of excrutiating pain Hallelujah!!! Praise to Jesus!!Amen.
Sarah's Testimony Age: 17 Well, I wasn't raised in a "Christian, chruch-going" family. I was raised to believe in the Bible and that by going to church you only hear one mans version of the Bible, and while they try to teach you whats between the lines, you miss the real message which is quite obvious. So, anyways, life goes on and in the 8th grade I started hanging out with the "wrong group of friends". Those that smoked, drank, stole, and did all that sterotypical stuff of the skaters. (No offense to anyone). I was sent to Mississippi, to live with my grandma and grandpa. I lived there for about three and a half years, from my eighth grade year to me sophmore year. During those three and a half years, I was molested by my grandpa, the molestation ranging from excuse my crudeness, fondeling to "dry humping". My little sister received the worst of the molestation. Durning this time in MS we were taught about the Bible and what and who Jesus was and stood for, the Southern Baptist way. Taught that all other religions were not necessarily wrong but left a lot to be lacking. It was a type of religious racism, but only to an extent of saying i agree and i disagree. We moved back up here my junior year and things went smoothly. I met my best friends, and I started to open up about my situation and saw that there are others that I know of who have been in the same situation. Junior year passed and for my senior year I went to another school. I am hoping that we are still as close as we were once. I got a job, things went by got a boyfriend, he cheated on me, left him, and then met my fiancee. We are close as any two people can every be. He is my best friend, my love, and my life. I told him about everything that has happened and he suprised me to say the same thing. But this past Saturday my life changed, not necessarily for the worst but sure as heck not for the best. I had graduated Saturday, and my friends decided to go to a graduation party. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go and so me, my fiancee, and my cousin stayed at home. When everyone got back, they were totally plastered or so we thought. Well, I was up trying to help my sister, best friend, and my sisters friend who we the worst. All the guys we in other rooms trying to avoid confrintation with me because I had told them if there was alcohol to leave. Well, anyways, about three hours after their arriving at home, there was a power surge. I was downstairs with my friend and her boyfriend, and I hear, "shes not breatheing". I run up the stairs and find my sister choking. She started breatheing and so we thought everthing was going to be fine, but then five seconds later she started choking and having seizures. We called the ambulance and they came and took all the information. Blah Blah Blah. She was ok, she just had to drink charcol. While we were at the hospital I told my mom about a tape that my sister was telling me about before the party thing. I told her I wanted her to get the tape and turn it into the police. (The tape had stuff on it about my sisters friend and her stepdad.) My dad had turned the tape in and the police said that the stuff on the tape had been pretty bad. My sister and her friend talked to the police and they told the police everything. And the next day I was talking to my dad and I was like I can't believe that he would do anything like that. And my dad said, "I thought my dad never would either." And I just froze and started crying. I was like who told you. He said you did by your reaction. We talked about it for an hour and a half about everything that he had done and all that stuff. Well, after a couple of days my dad has decided to press charges. So thats whats going on now. Through all this, I still ask God why and the only awnser I can seem to get is that Ill walk you through this and itll make your stronger. I wish that I could find a place and just sit and talk with Him and let all my worries and sorrows out. I have learned to take it day by day and hour by hour if necessary. I just wanted to share this with you because, actually Im not sure. I just thought that Im tired of keeping it inside and wanted to show that evern though times are hard and NOT anything like what we want them to be, there is always hope. Love all, Sarah
Fran's Testimony Age: 23 When I was 17, so many things in my life started happening. My boyfriend of 4 years left me for an older, divorced woman with 3 children, my father died, and I was 6 months pregnant with my second child. That was alot for me to bear. As time passed, I learned to live my life without the physical man and realized that my life was actually much better. I felt a sense of peace and a closeness with God that I always needed in my life. Since then, things have happened that has taken my time away from worship (basically the devil intruding into my life), and I am now looking for that peace and closeness that I once had. But for now, just accepting Jesus as my savior and believing in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit keeps me on top of things, One thing to truly believe, saved people and sinners, we can't do anything without Jesus. |
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